The Theosophical
Society in Australia

Perth Branch

Gosford Group

2021 Programme

Note: Due to COVID restrictions, please book with Pamela de Lacy 0415 288 873 if you wish to attend.

Tuesday 9th February
Mariette Blackmore   Crop Circles: ET or Man-made?
First circles were simple designs, then increased in number & complexity. Are they messages from beyond or merely a hoax? Who is making them and why?

Tuesday 9th March
Christine Challis   A fun look at the stars
Discussing one aspect of Astrology which may give a new insight into your life

Tuesday 13th April
Steve Boyd    Healing from within
Video and discussing the miracle of healing through the power of the mind.

Tuesday 11th May
Dr. Ian Ellis Jones    Myths: Their origin, role and significance
Lawyer, lecturer & philosopher discusses role of myths in society through the ages and their significance in our current society.

Tuesday 8th June
Nathalie Dodin    Living High Vibrationally
Getting comfortable with uncertainty & navigating change with practices & rituals that help to raise our frequencies.

Tuesday 13th July
Suzy Greene    Near death experience
A first-hand recollection of the experience of dying and the strong personal messages gained.

Tuesday 10th August
Gerard Brennan, President, Indo-Pacific Federation of the TS   Echoes of the Divine Wisdom Over Time
Theosophical Society (TS) origins & the spread of its ideas over time, offering a pathway to peace, fulfillment & compassion action. Covering: noted Theosophists & spiritual figures; how to make theosophical ideals a living reality in our lives. Highly acclaimed TS speaker.

Tuesday 14th September
Suzanne May, Keith Howes    Boldly go!
A lively and interactive joint talk which tackles The Big Picture—present and future.

Tuesday 12th October
Pamela de Lacy    Seeing other dimensions
First, second & third hand experiences and discussion about how brain frequencies may be the key to seeing other dimensions.

Tuesday 9th November
Isolde Sueltemeyer    Beauty and Beyond - The Life and Art of Sulamith Wuelfing
A visual and in depth look at 20th Century extraordinary German artist's reflection of her visions of angels, elfins and her spiritual journey.

Tuesday 14th December
AGM and discussion. AGM & Celebrating Christmas & learnings from 2021
Also, planning for 2022 talks - wish list of topics.

Co-ordinator: Vivien,   Assistant Co-ordinator: Pamela 0415 288 873   Secretary/Treasurer Roni (02)4358 1413

Meetings: 8pm Every second Tuesday of the month at Narara Community Centre, Pandala Rd, Narara NSW 2259
(Note: Due to Covid restrictions, please book with Pamela.)

Aims of Gosford Theosophical Group:
• Forming the Universal Fellowship of Humanity, without distinction of race, creed, sex, caste or colour
• Studying comparative religion, philosophy, and science
• Investigating the unexplained laws of nature and the powers latent in the human being.


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The Rona Scott Gallery

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