The Science of Yoga
An Introduction to the Yoga-sūtras of Patañjali by Pedro Oliveira
The Mandate of the Theosophical Society
An address by His Eminence Professor Samdhong Rinpoche in 2001

Introduction to the Australian Section
Linda and Pedro Oliveira introduce the Theosophical Society in Australia
Public Meetings
All Welcome
General Meetings
For members of Perth Branch. Non-members welcome to attend up to 4 meetings to become acquainted with the TS and perhaps join the Society.
Members Only Meetings
For members of the TS only, or the guest of a member with at least a minimal understanding of Theosophy and the ethos of the Theosophical Society.
Strictly Members Only Meetings
Non-members not permitted to attend.
Theosophical Order of Service (TOS)
Perth Branch actively supports the TOS, an independent organisation founded by Annie Besant in 1908 to provide a framework for creative, practical, and humanitarian action in a theosophical spirit. Its meetings are open to all. For more info contact tos.australia@gmail.com